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Software Tools for Computational Science, Engineering, and Medicine

Wavelets, Wavelet Filters, Wavelet Transforms, Wavelet Analysis, Data Compression, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing, Image Processing, and Numerical Methods

WavBox Software Library

WavBox Splash Screen Image

The WavBox Software Library is the original Wavelet Toolbox for MATLAB, the first available as free software in 1991, and the first available as commercial software in 1994.

FirWav Filter Library

The FirWav Filter Library contains algorithms for numerically computing filter coefficients for the complete set of both complex and real min-length max-flatness Daubechies wavelet filters. It also contains a comprehensive set of routines for the analysis and display of these filters.

The original Daubechies wavelet families have been extended and systematized to include many new families such as the family displayed below. All of these filter families permit perfect reconstruction from a signal decomposition computed with a wavelet transform 2-band filter bank in which the scalet is the lowpass filter and the wavelet is the highpass filter. More examples of the various families can be found on the FirWav page.

Daubechies Real Orthogonal Least Uncertain (DROLU) Scalets
DROLU Analysis Scalets
Daubechies Real Orthogonal Least Uncertain (DROLU) Wavelets
DROLU Analysis Wavelets
MATLAB Partner Logo Image

As a MATLAB Connections Partner, Toolsmiths develops software libraries and provides consulting services for the MATLAB technical computing environment available from The MathWorks Inc . The WavBox and FirWav Libraries are compatible with both 7.*, 8.* and 9.* as well as older 5.* and 6.* versions of MATLAB.